
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kandor Korner

Today we unveil a new recurring segment that will feature frank, uncensored words straight from the mouths of kreationists. We're positive this format will serve as a doorway into the minds of our kontributors and acquaint our readers with a heightened level of intimacy with the Kreation Kause. For our inaugural post, here's none other than Chris Peebles on the kreative process:

"Kreation is at times spontaneous and effortless, yielding discrete and satisfying results. Other times it's a painful ordeal with obscure and ill-defined output. But in either case, Kreation is a biological mandate, and I do it just about every day."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A word from a sponsor...

Hello, my name is Bert Bacchus, and I'm the manager here at Union Credit Credit Union.  You know, it seems these days the inalienable entitlement of homeownership is no longer in vogue.  It's as if the up-and-coming generation would rather set down their roots in tent encampments and void their bowels in public spaces all the while shouting obscenities at honest, hard-working law enforcement personnel.  But take it from me, young people, it doesn't have to be this way.  To echo the incisive lyricism of one Tomás Petty, you don't have to live like a refugee.  That's why for a limited time only (one week to be exact), Union Credit will be literally giving out home loans, no questions asked, to the first 50 twenty-somethings through our doors. Do you have bad credit? No credit? We don't care! Just get in here, and you'll be tirelessly maintaining a quarter-acre lot out in the hinterlands in no time. Act now and we can stem the tide of troublesome paradigm shifts that threaten to dismantle the dreams of our forefathers. Thank you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Korner Header

Today we bring you a new and groundbreaking visual gateway to the teeming metropolis of kreativity colloquially known as The Korner. It doesn't actually state the name of this blog, which a less worldly kollective of "artist" may chafe at, but we kreationists believe that, as important as a given statement may be, that which goes unsaid must be paid equal, if not greater attention. Thus, when in the course of a discussion of contemporary "art," critics fail to mention our humble Korner, we take it as an implicit compliment to the ubiquity, the inescapability, of our influence. And just because we now refuse to pay GRECH for her work on said banner, due to a glaring absence of the words "the," "kreation," and "korner," consecutively and in that order, does not mean that we can't appreciate the unspoken gravitas of the work itself. Turkey:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Poet's Korner

Hey Joe
It's a creamy
It's a calming
It's a bold
It's a bland
Little something in my hand

It's my right
It's a privilege to serve you
It's a product of exploitation with consent
It's a need
It's a bean
It's a traded good
It's a way of life

It's a goddamn cup of coffee
Stop projecting, you horse's ass

-Tum Cruz

Friday, November 4, 2011

Poet's Korner

I never said I
wanted to be
I never said I
was having

Stop trying to
flatter me

I never claimed I
was good at
I never claimed to
be anything of the

Please, don't try to
flatter me

I never indicated I
was trapped in these
dire circumstances
of my own
In no way did I ever
say I felt comfortable
in my own skin
and in no way do I
feel I deserve

I cannot beseech you enough,
spare me your attempts at

And don't flatter yourself

--Chris Peebles