Saturday, November 17, 2012

To anybody receiving this message, this is Gabe Gabriel of The Kreation Korner. I can't talk for long--our "hosts" think I'm safely sekwestered with the others. I just wanted to let the world know that their favorite kontributors are ok, despite our konspicuous lack of output this past month. Our troubles began in late october when we elected to attend a team-building retreat don't know where we are--they blindfolded us for the chopper ride in. I don't have the luxury of time to go into much further detail. Suffice it to say our bonds of kamaraderie have been strengthened by our shared yearning to flee our insular kaptivity. Damn, I think I've been detected. They'll be coming for me soon. Until next time, dear friends, unti..............What am I doing in here? I'm not doing anything...Huh?...Computer?...Oh this computer?...I don't even know how to use one! I'm old-fashioned like that, ha ha...No wait, let's be reasonable! Call off your dogs!...Wait, no, get your hands off me! You can't silence all of us..........................[end of post]

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