Wednesday, June 24, 2020

And where are we these days?

Good morning, dearest reader. It has been nearly three months since our last post. And even then we said nothing, quite intentionally. Really, we haven't spoken directly to you since January. Quite intentionally. We are taking an extended moment of silence. We're at a loss for words. And maybe that's ok. As a young, cocksure Korner, we'd have had plenty to say. We'd have known how to fix things with our beautiful thoughts and words, until things broke again. Then we'd start all over. But we're older and wiser now, which is to say we know less than ever. What we do know is we don't HAVE to say anything. What is it worth to utter words that don't ring with sincerity? Better we wait and reflect and pay attention until the proper time to say the proper thing emerges. The proper thing for us, the proper thing from us. In the meantime, why drown out those whose time it is to say their proper thing? But we feel a change coming. We've been listening to our discomfort, our grief, our sober acknowledgment of the affairs of this reality and, in listening, we think we're learning. And, in time, we'll have the proper thing to say. Soon. We think. Who can really say they know? While we can't know the future (many of us would question if it's even real), we can look to the past for something to say for now:

“Accolades and Raids”

I take no pleasure.
I take no pride.
This summit feels
like a base camp.
I won’t pat
myself on the
We’d only hear the
hollow thud of a
hollow feat.
Turn down the music
and cap the spirits.
There’s nothing cute
about a massacre.

--Chris Peebles, 2012

P.S. Maybe we've said a little something today. It felt pretty good!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Video Korner

Title: Fishies
Kreator: Patrick M. Watson
Duration: 01:31
Release Date: 2020

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Video Korner

Behold: a video made without a camera. If it makes you say "huh" then it succeeds as art.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Out of the Mouths of Gabes

"Expressing incredulity at the inexorable passage of time is so trite. That said, can you believe Superbad came out 13 years ago?!" 

--Overheard at The Kreation Korner HQ, Boise, 2/21/2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Video Korner

Title: My New Bldg.
Kreator: Patrick M. Watson
Duration: 05:19
Release Date: 2019

Monday, January 20, 2020

Musik Korner

Who the devil are you? No matter. Since you are here, we might as well tell you of an exciting development in recorded music toward which The Kreation Korner is proud to offer its patronage--a group called Magnates of Poland and Lithuania. These noble noisewrights are in the vanguard of the burgeoning genre of Applecore, wherein artists sublimate the omnipresent world wide web into short songs using the iPhone as their sole instrument. To discuss the cultural significance of their latest track, here is none other than noted mass-media scholar Marsha McLohan, visiting professor at Caldwell College:

The means of transmission shapes the psyche while the content is superficial. Those who master the latest grammar write the future, which is today. The artist's job is to strain open their aperture to the new definition and report back. In conclusion, internet.

Fucking A. Let's rock:

Monday, January 13, 2020

Poet's Korner

"Walking is the thing"
is one thing that I can say
and mean. What a joy.

Walk without ear buds
within linden routes below
high clouds and return.

Walk up a hill some
times to leap at the top, heave
a full-body sigh.

Walk, and wake up first
thing, are things I know to be
reasons I say "whew."

--P. Michael Watson