Sunday, December 30, 2012

We’re Back! A Kreationist’s Story

Good (fill in time of day) to you! Words are largely insufficient to convey how great it feels to be back in Boise, or “The C.O.T.” as Gabe Gabriel’s son calls it. The story of our escape is far too harrowing to recount in the delicate format of the blog, but luckily Lee Watt somehow managed to illustrate the whole affair (please mail us a self-addressed envelope and $19.99 in pre-1999 quarters for your copy today!). While it is certainly a relief to finally be free of our retreat hosts and their Svengali-like hospitality, what exactly have we returned to? As far as we can tell, the world didn’t “end” on December 21st. But it also doesn’t appear that humanity has crossed into a golden era of global harmony and understanding, as a more optimistic reading of the Mayan portent might suggest. Our world remains mired in a quicksand of strife and consternation, where finite reserves of metallic substances are disproportionately allocated to the manufacture of assault-type weapons rather than the fabrication of structural steel to shore up homes and other buildings in earthquake-prone, impoverished regions. In this coming year, we yearn in earnest for the dawn of a misery-free, utopian age--even if such an age renders the role of Kreationism superfluous. Until such a time, however, the objectives remain mostly clear and the Korner’s mission is far from komplete. May we all have a productive and fulfilling new year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Korner Wisdom

No. 29: "Everything is the same, except for several key differences."
No. 30: "Everything is different, except for several key similarities."

Friday, November 30, 2012

BLENKO comes alive!

I don't know what Gabe's wigging out about, this retreat is tits. All the spray paint I could ever want, comfortable bed linens, the whole nine! I mean sure, they make us take turns in the isolation chamber each day to keep our minds "pliable," but isn't that a good thing? It means, like, not stiff, right? And you know, maybe it's a small price to pay for a much-needed break from the ol' KKHQ. As a friend once told me, there's no such thing as a free panini. And this panini is dang tasty. No, really. It's got, like, roasted bell peppers n shit on it... I'm like, what'd you guys do, fly in that Emenil dude or something? Wait, no. That's not right. Emenil's the stuff they keep giving us before we hit the hay. After that, we get these nightmares our retreat coordinators call "horsefevers." Ah well, like I said, big fuckin' whoop, Gabe. This is what happens when you book a retreat off a website that also specializes in unlicensed pharmaceutical testing. Cry me a river, build a bridge, and go fuck yourself.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

To anybody receiving this message, this is Gabe Gabriel of The Kreation Korner. I can't talk for long--our "hosts" think I'm safely sekwestered with the others. I just wanted to let the world know that their favorite kontributors are ok, despite our konspicuous lack of output this past month. Our troubles began in late october when we elected to attend a team-building retreat don't know where we are--they blindfolded us for the chopper ride in. I don't have the luxury of time to go into much further detail. Suffice it to say our bonds of kamaraderie have been strengthened by our shared yearning to flee our insular kaptivity. Damn, I think I've been detected. They'll be coming for me soon. Until next time, dear friends, unti..............What am I doing in here? I'm not doing anything...Huh?...Computer?...Oh this computer?...I don't even know how to use one! I'm old-fashioned like that, ha ha...No wait, let's be reasonable! Call off your dogs!...Wait, no, get your hands off me! You can't silence all of us..........................[end of post]

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fiction Korner

"Is This Fiction?"

My arms are cold in a way that they never have been before. The sky tilts and reminds me that finger-picking is, in fact, still an art that deserves rescuing from the mincing dictates of so much indie pop. Then, too, I recall my own struggles with what it is to be masculine, and what I derogatorily castigate as effeminate. Yes, despite my bedding-down in the locus of progressivity, I am beset by personal insecurities, the very manifestations of which have caused my torsic appendages this chill which prompted my prompt. But I am seeking home in the cold of my own creation, which itself will be transformed one way or another in the coming hours.

-Boo Merengue

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Video Korner

This morning, several of us here at The Korner stumbled upon a 3M Scotch Smart Mailer on the front stoop of the HQ. The return address box contained the following inscription:

Get from point "A" to point "B" as quickly as you can. Drum on the steering wheel and curse. Win that bread! Or stop in traffic. Get out. Look around. Your surroundings are the physical manifestation of broader trends. A litmus test spelling certain doom for the American Dream. Don't believe their lies! --Anon.

Inside the 8.5"x11" moisture resistant envelope was a smart phone. The device's memory appeared to be completely wiped, with the exception of this video:

It seems we have a rogue kreationist operating in our midst, which we welcome wholeheartedly! Anon., if you read this post, please swing by and collect your phone. Thanks.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Transcription Korner

Many, if not all of you, undoubtedly remember "Pennies in the Air Ducts," the landmark short film The Korner released on YouTube earlier this year. In it, we see Chris Peebles and BLENKO in a rare unguarded moment tackling the big issues of existence over the backdrop of scenic Boise, Idaho. Recently, our video host appears to have added an "Interactive Transcript" to accompany the video, perhaps to serve our aurally impaired followers. We feel they captured the repartee with the utmost precision. Cast an eye over:

0:13 dislike
0:18 i could be a pain
0:19 review ministerial than courtyard
0:23 received these notices wonder whether can't remember
0:27 carolyn didn't soccer club
0:37 that that was
0:38 part like i say like grilling like electric
0:42 want to know what you're saying
0:44 seeing those elected means it will be that ship on those buildings in the bag
0:48 what distinguish something missing
1:00 jennifer spotlight trace height light and flights
1:06 whatever boise tickets powerful economic my copy expelled like occupy our copy
1:12 sucks czechoslovakia often dog sorry that's like yours private rescue work
1:17 that's going to wipe it up with
1:20 like these
1:21 spell quit journalistic you know i mean i like
1:25 chances about that
1:27 the plane tickets
1:28 karen let's play for her pocket
1:31 minus staff here back recessionary times right in my backyard
1:37 okay
1:38 symphonies communists changed character
1:42 salzburg proper her
1:56 like to be like a bumblebee they also is
2:00 was nicole nears
2:03 why didn't he
2:05 the beads isis
2:07 be your return
2:09 be or not to be
2:13 that's my question
2:15 these words that really is and we think we don't even think about that but
2:19 they have white
2:21 meanings in their words inside of them
2:24 business-oriented reason convention
2:27 reusing and showing
2:30 they had to be convention really good huge pool
2:34 hi selection
2:36 suspect's attorney article except for her part
2:40 but
2:41 saturday
2:43 would help relieve the skies yeltsin's career
2:48 it's also finance planning
2:51 just drawing a line in the sky with political
2:55 different
2:56 it's up to you if you want to be contained underneath him more about that
3:00 yes let me know
3:01 livelihood
3:03 the meanwhile u
3:08 i really like i mean i did you ever see that movie
3:12 meetings
3:13 it's honda
3:17 it's like saying restrain him
3:20 internet site
3:22 just like
3:23 reality is what you make it big but these mental boundaries and we can you
3:27 can do and one of those is that we can fly at night
3:31 don't subscribe to that
3:34 it's just the doesn't make sense to me that we should like does bellies are
3:39 suffering
3:42 what is it really is saying there have been here
3:50 delegated
3:53 he's never

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Korner Wisdom

You can learn a lot about a man just by reading his autobiography.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Grab Some Bench

For nearly five years now, The Kreation Korner has called the Boise Bench home. From those halcyon days in 2007 until the present time, our operation has spread its tendrils far beyond our modest HQ, as if stimulated by a Kreative thigmotropism permeating the globe.  Nevertheless, the Bench kontinues to occupy a special place in the hearts of Kreationists near and far. What is it about this neighborhood we love so much? The list is long and may very well differ from unique individual to unique individual. We can all agree, however, that the Bench's unintentional patchwork of diverse denizens, architectural styles, business establishments and community institutions yields an authentic, gritty urban landscape--fertile ground for the Kreative process. Also, the cost of living is comparatively affordable. In our busy lives furthering the Kreative Kause, we can take for granted this paradise, despite our uncommon penchant for rigorous introspective. Fortunately, some higher konsciousness provides us with a wake-up call every now and then, such as the following photograph:

This plakard was spotted on a local public transit vehicle (aka "city bus"). Although its promotion of public participation is praiseworthy, its core assumptions are troubling.  Is the Bench's transportation infrastructure in need of a sprucing-up? Kreationists and families alike have gotten around with relative ease on the Bench for generations. Are sidewalks and bike lanes a much needed expressway towards Improvedqualityoflifeville? Or are they insidious avenues of ingress for the sterile, kreativity-killing palate of out-of-town redevelopers with dollar signs for irises? We concede that the environment (physical and otherwise) of a place in a given epoch is impermanent. We do not know how the Bench will change in the coming years, but The Korner stands poised to do what's in its purview to block the building of bourgeois bistros and boutiques and the baleful banality they'll bring. Peace.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Vakation Korner

Hella salutations to all of you out in the metaphysical kollective known as KreationLand. I, Gabe Gabriel, am typing this web blog from my cot, having been struck with a malady of unknown origin and considerable strength. But why dwell on that? The reason for today's post is to inform you of recent goings-on at the kreative forefront, namely, a recent trip by some of our best and brightest to the land of fast cars and star-love-makers. Yessiree, I speak of that beacon of western decadence, Los Angeles. Having sojourned to said locale with Blenko and Chris Peebles, I am pleased to report kreative output and introspection was on full tilt throughout the seven days of the trip. (So much so, in fact, that I suspect my current condition is akin to radiation sickness and derives from the sheer brilliance of the kreativity on display.) But again, I digress. Here I have included but a choice sampling of images which I hope will communicate some semblance of the atmosphere of our trek. Be. Hold.

The sight of Chris' second performance. Footage was confiscated by the authorities.

Sustenance, part 1.

Sustenance, part 2. Kreationists require multiple beverage and food things to sustain them.

Mothership connection.

Chris n' Blenko pallin' around.

We had been told by a desert freakshaman that we would find sweet relief from the desert sun along the Sultan's Sea. Bombay Beach did not disappoint.

Fish heads dotted the landscape. Our appetites were thus piqued.

The freakshaman also told us to look for the inebriated turtle known as Skip. We left with more questions than answers.

On the road. Again.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Komedy Korner

Individual 1: "Did you get a hair cut?"
Individual 2: "Yep. All of 'em, actually."

--Svetlana Mendoza

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fiction Korner

"Sunnyside Stories"
The office was poorly lit. That’s not to say it wasn’t illuminated. One might say there was too much light. Harsh, fluorescent light. Light that reflected off the filmy surfaces of the matching desk and credenza.
The furniture wasn’t new. Probably from the middle twentieth century. It had a certain funk from years of neglect. Plus it was cheap and probably not all wood. There was only one window. It was not a perfect square, but it was darn close. It definitely wasn’t a golden rectangle. It didn’t please the eye. Something about it caused discomfort for those types who pay attention to that kind of thing. The venetian blinds could’ve cast an ominous shadow, but they were up. Also the lights were still on and it was dusk.
But none of these decorative deficiencies much bothered Spenser. His office was how he found it when he arrived in Sunnyside three weeks before. He could get work done anywhere. His inauspicious upbringing taught him that. Also, the War. He didn’t need to fuss over the placement of one of those green lamps or select the perfect resting angle for that executive double pen set. Maybe one’s actually a mechanical pencil—but, again, Spenser didn’t burn too many calories on matters of that sort.
The consultant possessed the singular ability to get the job done no matter the immediate environment. Even if that meant dealing with Chad three times a week...
--Jawn Steighmeaus

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Musiks Korner

Gabe Gabriel here, resident loop-digger, scholar of obscure noise, and all-around chronicler of all things Kreation. Now, in the past, I've come to you on bended knee to humbly offer the multitude of curios and crazy shit (pardon the technicalities) which have amassed at the margins of the kreative continuum. Mining the shores of Kreation Creek is no mean feat, and many are the days when I have trudged home, empty-handed, galoshes squishy with the discomfort of revelation just beyond my grasp. Yet, when among the crushed aluminum malt-liquor vessels and other detritus, I happen upon a discovery such as I am pleased to present today, the apparent emptiness of sog-sap days seems mere prelude to the inevitable joy of kreative discovery.

Ronald Raygun has been, until now, a sometimes-contributor with a cagey personality who eschews direct interaction in favor of contribution via mail. Yet, in this discovery, we parse out a vital component of his personal history, as we find the young man releasing a single for the short-lived but influential record imprint, Kreative Destruction Records (in-depth profile to come soon). Equal parts angst and erudition, "Beside Myself" is a tale of a boy, a girl, and a boy again. Take it in the brain:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Poet's Korner

"The Livable Urban Neighborhood" by Chris Peebles

live, work, play
learn, shop, pray
walk, talk, sit
read, sip, watch
smile, laugh

think, wonder, touch, wince
release, scratch, stoop
shrug, forget, jog
bathe, sigh, stare

wander, ponder, yawn
sleep, writhe, wake, tremble
shake, sweat, clench, trip, thud
scream, punch, break, disturb, alienate

hide, regret
deviate, contemplate

stammer, stumble, encounter
reorient, gravitate
perceive, deceive, cringe
surrender, wither, cry
eat, shit

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Displacement Korner

One month without a new post--easily the longest dry-spell in Kreation Korner history. But we are well justified in this deficiency. We're not a bunch of shiftless assholes. As you know, our rogue, sentient computer--which has dubbed itself APEKS--does what it wants, when it wants. Early in April, APEKS decided to patch into our environmental systems and flood both the HQ and Kommune with a lethal mixture of nitrous oxide and generic windex. Our best guess is that the cold logic of the machine's malevolent circuits deemed us imperfect biological entities who served only as obstructions to the advancement of pure kreativity. Luckily, we managed to escape with our lives--although Tum Cruz was legally dead for nearly three minutes and came to with a hitherto unknown talent for chainsaw sculptures. During the past several weeks, we endeavored to make our voice heard in the blogosphere, but the WiFi at Tsarbucks is wack, if you'll pardon the techno-babble. Additionally, the psychological trauma of being expelled from one's own korner often proved incapacitating. But now the toxic atmospheres have dispersed, and it's time to reclaim our lost month in the name of Kreation. APEKS seems dormant for now, but we'll sleep with both eyes open from now on just in case.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Komedy Korner

Our historian/archivist/documentarian/kwartermaster/everyman Gabe Gabriel recently returned from an estate auction in upstate New York, carrying in tow the personal papers of the late Budd Bellows.  Prior to overdosing on speed balls in a hotel bathtub last month, Mr. Bellows was a relatively well-known comic on the college circuit. By all accounts, his material was little more than ham-handed low-hanging fruit. But if the sheaf of documents Gabe acquired for a small fortune is any indication, Budd was on track to broach a major kreative breakthrough, peripheral as his efforts were to our franchise. It's a tragedy that such a nascent master was cut down so suddenly. Imagine the heights to which he could have soared.  Anyhow, we found the following witticism scrawled on the back of an envelope among Bellow's vestiges. It may very well be the prototype of a form of humor the world will never be fully privy to. Scoff:

Set-up: I live my life in two worlds: the world I experience when I'm awake and the world of my dreams. One of these worlds is characterized by unending toil. It is an odyssey without end. The destination is in sight yet remains eternally elusive. A path unfolds before me, but it is circuitous and full of diversion. I get side-tracked and drawn into outlandish subplots. I observe people I haven't seen or thought about for years engaging in strange acts in strange places. Places I've never been. Places nobody's ever been and likely do not exist. In this world, geography lacks a discernible logic. Disparate locales are contiguous. Day transitions into night in an instant. Years fly by in what seems like minutes. In this world I become mired in such mystifying flights of fancy that I lose sight of the destination all together and never quite arrive no matter how close I unwittingly get.

Punchline: You think that's crazy? Wait until I tell you about the world of my dreams!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Poet's Korner

Creme de la brain
The sunset is a creme, yellow
Neatly leaking through the slatted shades
This is a color-palette anachronism
It relaxes my mind-tubes
Fluids of stress slow their flow
But it will fade soon enough
For that sun can't hang forever
We all know it ain't Michael Jordan

And we all know that Michael Jordan is
A construct, those commercials lie
No one can do what he does
He can't do what he does
But we buy the squeaky sneakers
Buying the sensation of a brilliant star
Like the sun
But the sun sets
And in a few billion and some change,
It will die and take us with it.

-Tum Cruz

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Korner Wisdom

Everybody seems to be thinking outside of the box these days. Break the mold and take a peek inside, if you dare.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Kandor Korner

"When you read one of my can I say this in terms relevant to the digital age? Ok, let’s try this: imagine that one of my stories is a folder on the desktop of your home computer. Gazing upon the folder’s icon and reading its title may very well be a fulfilling experience on its own, but double-click on the folder and you’ll discover dozens if not hundreds of unique files within. Some of them are image files. Others are text documents--many of which are comprised of the beguilingly unintelligible characters of machine language. Some files you click on and a dialogue box pops up with the unfortunate news that an error has occurred. You might even happen upon a few sub-folders, adding further depth and intrigue to your exploration. What’s in these sub-folders?? Per hap nothing. Per hap they are locked, and nobody knows the administrative password. Not even me... 
Anyways, that’s just some of my material. Other stories you can pretty much take at face value."

--Jawn Steighmeaus

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ahead Of Our Times

This afternoon, one of our stringers shot this image at the nexus of Idaho and 19th Streets in Boise:

These imposing, lithic blocks are engraved with what appears to be an attempt to brand the district in the western extremity of the central business district.  Not to say we told you so, but we kreative types were aboard the community identity train for this particular neighborhood as far back as 2006 with West Downtown helmed by our own Chris Peebles.  Look up "visionary" in the dictionary and you'll see our picture.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

We'd like to thank everyone who came out for the first annual Kreation Korner Alternative Ingress Symposium. While the objective of KKAIS was to kollaboratively burrow new tunnels into the unexplored vaults of the kollective unkonscious, some attendees must have interpreted the name of the event in a non-figurative way. Needless to say, there's a significant amount of broken glass and human blood on the floor of the HQ, and the encroachment of the elements has made our workspace all but indistinguishable from the chilly outside world. Of course, we understand that in the throes of a kreative frenzy people are capable of unkanny feats--propelling oneself up to and through a second-storey window is not uncommon. Nevertheless, we'd appreciate it if the offending party would stop by and clean up this mess.
Despite the grievous damage to property and person, the Symposium was a huge success!

Hadley Daughterson's rendering of Korner Headquarters in its current impaired state. Such is the price of Kreation!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Korner Wisdom

Whoever said, "Any dream worth having is worth fighting for" has obviously never had that one where they show up at their elementary school in a boat, and are then forced to teach in a classroom which doubles as a cooperative tacqueria.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Poemovie Korner

Greetings, interworld inhabitants! Today we present you a landmark event for The Kreation Korner. Chris Peebles has turned our enterprise ass-backwards with his inaugural foray behind the camera. And may we say its an unexpectedly delightful departure from his tried-and-true style. We gave esteemed literary and short film kritic Rapaport Graves a sneak peak and he had the following to say: "He [Chris Peebles] seems to have traded in his signature reach-out-of-the-page-and-throttle-the-reader modus operandi for a more contemplative reflection on the oft-ignored vagaries of our contemporary industrialized biosphere. In other words, I think it's about trains." Watch:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Komedy Korner

A pepper walks into a bar. He orders a drink, and swiftly thereafter begins pestering the barkeep about the multitudinous and drab minutiae of the bar's history. "How long has this place been open? Are you the owner of the premises? Are the beer nuts locally sourced?"

The pepper finishes off his drink and walks out. After a brief silence, a bar patron turns to the barkeep and says, "Man, that guy was jalapeño business." To which the bartender retorts, "That was a horrible pun. Please leave before I'm forced to call the cops."

-Tum Cruz

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Poet's Korner

Action Thriller #5

Storm's a-comin'
We're not that different,
You and I
Wanna shoot me?
Go ahead!
Pull the trigger

--Cindy Blankenstead

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fiction Korner

"Darling Inedible." He saw it printed medium-sized on the trash can. A happy accident of brand-naming and fastidious categorization, and it was one that made the boy laugh aloud. The strangers all around soon shared in this glee. It was not long before a feather boa was draped ceremoniously atop the unsuspecting receptacle, to christen the new personality by its happenstance title. Darling Inedible. And when the festivities were over, the would-be patrons discarded their rubbish in the gaping maw of their self-appointed and temporary idol.

-Boo Merengue

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Poet's Korner

I compromise my
dignity for a good
cause, an effect
not measured
in spatial terms
grasped like
garden tools
and t-shirts soaked
in sweat or urine

A chain of events
links me in
binds my arms
and legs to the
room I admit
is cozy and dim
the chair is soft and
my skin feels no longer
an itch but
an easy current

The glowing rectangle
of near golden proportion
builds bridges
in my head
connecting localities
sprucing up
dilapidated storefronts
with youthful vigor
and ambition

I see a place
I want to eat
I wonder about the
appetizers as
I lick my lips
and advance when a
dollop of tapenade
snuffs out the

 --Chris Van Peebles

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Korner Wisdom

No. 24: You only live once, but you do so in the infinite depths of the karmic cycle so, I mean, you got time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Video Korner

Picture yourself in front of a white automobile. Aside from its telltale Swedish craftsmanship, this automobile appears absolutely ordinary, bereft of any lasting significance. Now imagine that you have opened the back passenger-side door and sought respite in one of this automobile's stylish yet durable polyester-cushioned seats. After taking the necessary safety precautions by properly fastening your seat-belt, take note of your surroundings. Who is that you see in the driver's seat, navigating the currents and slipstreams of traffic whilst simultaneously pontificating on some of life's greatest mysteries? Why, it's Chris Peebles. Oh, hush now, Chris is addressing his erudite passenger. Could it be? Is that Blenko? Are you really seated near the right and left hands of two of the Korner's most beloved exports? Yessir(or ma'am)eebop, it's a Kreationist's dream come true! Now remove yourself from that mental vignette and watch this video that is almost like that experience, with several notable differences:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kommentary Korner

The other day I fired up the ol' Twitter feed, and as I scanned the "tweets" from the myriad "news" organizations I "follow," I couldn't help but detect the overwhelming stench of anti-Greek rhetoric. And that's sayin' something given my severely diminished olfactory capacities. It seems every media entity out there is trying to get its .0154 in about the Greco Debt Crisis. Their so-called fourth estate objectivity does little to mask their true prejudices. And this epidemic of bigotry is not limited to reporters. This morning I met Peter Doe at Dan's Grouse Inn on Route 21 for a red beer and was floored when he said, "sure the Greeks invented democracy and trigonometry but what have they done for the eurozone lately?" Well, Peter, this just means our Hellenic brethren contributed early and often to humanity. We procrastinators here in the states could learn a thing or two rather than just sitting around criticizing. If you ask me, we're pointing out the pit in our neighbor's eye while ignoring the heaping portion of Kalamatas in our own. Ultimately, the only way out of our respective messes is to endeavor towards understanding and empathy on a global scale. And I'll bet if you sat down over a pint of ouzo with a Greek, you'd find that we're not all that different.
--K. Hume O'Henderbaum     

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Korner Kares

The following words to live by were discovered Monday, Jan 18, 2012 at 6:03 pm on a white board in Rm 221 of the business building at Boise State University:

1. Do the exercise
2. Eat good food
3. Tak fitness
4. Don't Smoke and drink
5. Sleep 8 hours per day
6. Be happy
7. Have a good family
8. Don't de angly

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fiction Korner

"If it makes you feel any better, we're in the same catamaran."
I couldn't make out the face of the figure towering over me. His head seemed miles above, but his chilling, emotionless voice was loud in my ear. I couldn't struggle or move in any way for that matter. I was paralyzed in a nightmare, able only to squint at my fuzzy, poorly lit surroundings as the palpable pressure threatened to cave in my chest.
Oddly enough, I didn't panic. Perhaps this was the kind of learning experience, albeit unconventional, I sought. That was life's highest purpose: learning. There wasn't much else to do anymore anyways. It was the future after all and hunger, poverty, disease, social strife and environmental degradation were the stuff of folklore. Some even questioned if such scourges ever really existed in an era where benevolent synthetic microbes digested all forms of waste and emitted clean air, a nutrient-dense paste and side effect-free super drugs as byproducts.
Self-discovery and refinement through full immersion in the fruits of human culture and ingenuity replaced scraping by to survive. Hence, my desire to pursue yachting as a pastime. But instead I found myself bobbing up and down in a hitherto unknown sea of unrest, fettered in a would-be pleasure craft with my perception hopelessly obscured. Odds are my nervous system had been invaded by a colony of synthetic microbes who had evolved a collective consciousness.
The shadowy lunatic looming above me was probably just a normal guy with his own dreams and flaws. At least we weren't drowning.
--Jawn Steighmeaus

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Recently, our intern Nate executed a search engine inquiry on the world wide web of--or, if you’ll pardon the kolloquialism, “Googled”--the terms “kreation” and “korner.” To our bemusement, a hit came up sharing both our moniker and blog host. A strung-out, paranoid Korner might warn of opportunistic elements afoot attempting to ko-opt our scene for nefarious purposes.  But an affable Korner tempered by wisdom and moderation proffers that these other “kreationists” are mere pawns as we are in a larger, all-encompassing kreative kontinuum whose ending has yet to be written. Follow:

Monday, January 2, 2012

Street Korner

As evidenced by our first post of the New Year, 2012 promises to be an eventful time. Having said that, there are those Kreationists who have always believed that the fight is, like, out there, man, in the streets. And so, we present to the street fightin' man himself, BLENKO, with a quick dispatch from the guttercuts of urbania. Ado:

"I use the term 'feta' here, to reference the use of 'cheese' as an informal term for money. Paradoxically, unless you've got, like, access to a dairy farm or something, you need money to buy cheese. I guess that's the sort of mindfuckery that I want people to find in my work."

 "It's up to the reader to figure out what statement I'm making with this one. I'm into democracy like that."

"I'm pretty political. Have you been following the Occupy movement?"

"Do you ever feel as though you're an old, bearded square-eye with a dodo-type flightless bird calling the shots?"

"This one's basically directed at the following photo."


Shiny Happy People

The start of a new year is a time for purification, to rinse off the accumulated grime and start fresh in a shower of new beginnings. Why, just this morning we did this very thing (metaphorically, more or less) at our first annual second-day-of-the-year brunch bash. We clapped ourselves and each other on the back as we reflected upon storms weathered and new summits of kreative expression surmounted almost regularly during our tenure as inhabitants of the blogosphere. The needle was unceremoniously jerked from the long-playing record of our self-congratulation, however, when maljohn took the brainiac notion to stream Netflix on the projector we had pointed at an exterior wall of the kommune.  The film was called 2012 and, in addition to being perhaps the most eschatological of John Cusack's oeuvre, proved to be a chilling, action packed prophecy of catastrophic events to occur this year. Suffice it to say, we're all a bit freaked out. Is this blockbuster indeed a bellwether of things to come in 2012? Were the natural disasters and social strife of 2011 a mere prelude to the final days of reckoning for humankind? Or will the culmination of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar this next December represent the dawn of a new era of universal kamaraderie and klarity? Most of us are hoping for the latter, but in either case the world will need Kreation more than ever in the coming months. All we can do now is stand tall and dutifully advance The Kause.

Best wishes,
The Kreation Korner Staff