Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Musik Korner

Earnest but not mawkish
A strange consonance that works,
that takes you places--right here, for example
exactly where you are
exactly where you'll always been,
moving, pulsating
down a back alley, THE back alley
connecting past to now,
now to what's next
but there is only the alley
The echo effect suggests place
yet it seems the artists are no where
near each other when recording,
maybe in different states
Place and no place--THIS is the place
we've come to
Let the pulsations, twangs, and syllables
orient you in this place
Let them spot you as you plant
your sandals firmly on the whatever
Entities, it is my unenviable pleasure
to introduce Jerry Master's Band

--The Most Reverend Ambo Dais  

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