Saturday, June 10, 2017

Kreation is

A very heartfelt "hello" to you, beloved Korner reader. Today marks a momentous milestone for The Kreation Korner. The very post you are reading is the 500th we've published since we brought Kreationism into the latest iteration of the digital age nearly 10 years ago. It is a time of celebration and of reflection, an opportunity to check in with ourselves and reaffirm why it is we do what we do. We pledge today to kontinue the Kreative Program, which is, briefly, to find, encourage, facilitate, disseminate, and promote Kreation in all it's forms. Any of you reading this who have been with us for a while must certainly be aware that "Kreation" evades a clear or easy definition. We intend to keep it that way, for even the most esteemed praktitioners of Kreation can't say kategorically what it is. We are komforted daily (and hope you are too!) by this uncertainty in a world where certainty all too often seems to subjugate and harm. The Korner is a space free of the tyranny of answers. To kommemorate this day, we sent Gabe Gabriel to our klimate-kontrolled storage vault at the bottom of an appropriately-depthed 500-foot mine shaft in Atlanta, Idaho to dig up a piece of rare Kreationism history. He found the following photo from 1968, which depicts a graffito in Downtown Boise left by the Kreationist International, one of our predecessor organizations. KI's adept sloganeering remains effective as ever in encapsulating the mysterious, exhilarating, and liberating nature of Kreation. Here's to another 500! Cheers:


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